Sunday, June 15, 2008

Working at Home

Working at home is a common phenomena pace around the world nowadays. The beauty of working at home is you can manage your time on your own and you can dig in anytime you want. Even now large multinationals are now realizing the benefits of employing people in the home workplace.

Because of the vast growing of information and communications technology in the last 10-15 years, you can utilising your home as your own office or company in its own right. All of the office machines and appliances that were once only located in the work office can now be located and used just as efficiently in the home office. Powerful computers, fax machines and internet connections can now be easily installed in the home.

Discipline and honesty are huge traits that have to be addressed when working from home. Procrastinating your work is not a problem as long as the work gets completed. When working from home, the important matter is not when the work is done, it is that the actual work is being done.

Many entrepreneurs that work from home will tell you that if they have missed work by running some errands during the day, they will complete the work later on that evening or they will do extra the following day. Until you reach a point in your life where you can pick and choose when and where you work, disipline is the foundation on which your work at home business will thrive.

If you have a full time job and are insecure about trying a work at home job, I would first suggest doing it part time. By doing it part time you will start to understand if this life is for you or not.

There is definately people (of which I am not) that love the great out-doors and want to be constantly out of the house 9-5 Monday to Friday. No matter how good an opportunity came along, these people still would not like to do it. On the other hand I believe there is the majority crying out for change. These are the people that would love to try something new if it only would increase the quality of their lives.

These people are the new leaders in internet and network marketing. These people are the people that provide the real determination to succeed in their home based businesses. By reading this article, if you think you are one of these people, then you are in the right place. Give your home based business a try, you have nothing to lose only a regret that you didn’t start it sooner!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Inner Beauty

People have their own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. They look the beauty of a woman from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair for every woman is unique and beautiful.

The business on woman's beauty is thriving every aspects of life. Women are spending much of their time and money on buying beauty products. Even in the third world countries, women living below the poverty line, buy cheap and substandard beauty products, which give more harm to their skin than good.

Being considered as beautiful is a fundamental right of every woman. Every woman wants to listen the sweet words “you are beautiful”. But the beauty of a woman is far from her looks or figure. Physical beauty is only one aspect while a beautiful charming personality is a complete blend of many fine characteristics such as good manners, etiquette, behavior, smile, intelligence, sense of humor, social and family values etc., all make a woman look beautiful and attractive.

A beautiful woman is like an elegant hand-knotted Persian carpet. Each and every silky, colorful thread of her character, nicely woven into her personality, gives a woman an everlasting beauty and attraction.

Looks are very important indeed but the characteristics of a person are much more important. Besides taking care of your physical beauty, why not think of improving your inner beauty. The beauty which everyone admires is becoming a rare commodity these days. While on your way to a beauty parlor keep on thinking ways of improving your inner beauty.

Take care of yourself and take care of your inner beauty. No doubt you are a beautiful person!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kabar dari rumah

Hari ini anakku Lex yang di Jogya SMS: ma, telp aq dunks.

Suaranya antusias menanyakan kabar adik-adiknya. Sambil bercerita sekonyong-konyong timbul rasa kangen yang luar biasa. Rasanya baru kemarin aku melahirkannya dengan susah payah (kayaknya kurang pas, lebih tepat hampir mati), menatahnya berjalan satu-satu, lalu tiba-tiba ia besar menjadi remaja pembangkang.. Kecintaannya pada musik, mungkin menurun dari aku yang berdarah seni, sehingga musik pula yang bisa merekatkan kami kembali bila perang besar terjadi diantara kami.

Kadang aku tak habis pikir apa yang membuat anak remajaku berbeda dengan anak temanku? Anak temanku selalu tampak manis. Aku-abang selalu di pihak berlawanan dengan Lex.

Aku dan abang tak pernah minat yang muluk-muluk kok (salah ya?). Yang penting anak-anak kami pandai, jujur, rajin, no drugs.

Waktu TK aku paling sering dipanggil guru Lex karena anakku mencakar kawannya, manjat ke pohon tinggi tak mau turun, kawan perempuannya digodain sampai nangis...
Sejak SD - SMA kalau terima raport Lex, aku dan abang saling tunjuk siapa yang bertugas ambil raport. Soalnya itu bukan pekerjaan yang menyenangkan. Pasti bakal di nasehati wali kelas karena nilai raport. Padahal kurang apa fasilitas yang kami sediakan. Les ayo, buku ayo bahkan bebas tugas rumah tangga dari Senin sampai Jumat. Karena kesibukan kantor abang jarang memantau anak-anak pada hari kerja. Kalau libur abang baru mengajak anak-anak entah itu doorsmeer mobil, betulin sepeda, pangkas rambut, entah apalagi kegiatan bersama yang dapat mendekatkan mereka.

Tapi selalu saja tingkahnya menyebalkan. Keras kepala kalau dinasehati. Berantem melulu dengan adik-adiknya. Semua dalam kategori stadium empat.

Dilain sisi Lex membanggakan aku di bidang musik. Sejak SMP bandnya pernah juara sekotamadya. Sering mengisi acara kecil-kecilan. Lagu ciptaannya pernah masuk final lomba cipta lagu se Indonesia. Dan seterusnya.

Sebagai ibu bisa dibayangkan kan aku berdoa siang malam supaya anakku yang anak band ini harus mampu "say no to drugs". Meskipun sekarang ia jauh di mata, aku percaya doa yang kupanjatkan akan dipenuhi Bapa di Surga yang akan menjaga dia dari apapun yang tidak menyenangkan hati Tuhan.

Sekarang, saat mendengar suaranya lagi yang sekedar ingin tahu kabar dari rumah, aku tahu... Dibalik pribadinya yang unik, sebenarnya dia sayang pada keluarga. Aku belum pernah dengar dia menunjukkan perasaannya sampai akhirnya dia tadi bilang :"I love you mom. Beliin aku tiket pulang Natal nanti ya.."

Aku kok jadi ingat kata seorang teman pada anaknya : Jangan pernah menjadikan orangtuamu, musuh. Jangan pernah.

Love u 2, Lex.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Demamnya si Ken

Kayaknya demam Ken-ku sudah mendingan ini hari ketiga. Menurut penglihatannya pintu masih miring-miring, kepalanya kadang pusing tapi demamnya tidak tinggi sekali seperti kemarin. Selama ini aku beri dia obat penurun panas, minum yang banyak dengan segala rayuan (pakai gelas papa, pipet, jus –jus saja disuap!!), pakaian yang legaan. Aku menjaga supaya dia tetap selera makan, banyak istirahat, sambil mengamati bentol merahnya bertambah tidak. Kalau hari ke empat masih demam, Ken-ku harus cek darah.

Ternyata bentolnya tidak bertambah. Yang sudah ada lebih melebar tapi dengan warna yang lebih pudar. Kukira tanda-tanda menuju kesembuhan.

Mungkin ini yang disebut biduran atau apalah (ada yang tahu?). Mama yang asli Jepang sejak awal sudah ribut menyuruh ke dokter karena kaget bentol-bentolnya dan tidak mengenal penyakit serupa ini. Aku lebih suka mengamati dulu satu dua hari, lagipula dulu pernah juga anak temanku seperti ini.

Ah, cepat sembuh ya Ken. Sepeda kamu sudah kangen tuh!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Wah..senengnya punya mainan baru. Aku punya wadah tumpahan unek-unek paling gak buat dibaca pribadi, jadi pelajaran, penghilang suntuk, kenangan atau apalah.

Sebagai ibu rumah tangga (yang profesional) aku tak ingin ketinggalan momen merawat anak-anak, suami dan rumah. Tapi aku juga kan nggak mau kelihatan bego amat paling nggak di depan anak-anak. Biar dibilang telat punya blog, aaaahh.. buat diri sendiri apa sih yang telat?

Kayak hari ini, sambil nungguin Ken-ku (si bungsu yang lagi demam tinggi) aku bisa ketak-ketik di kamar sehingga dia tak kehilangan mamanya barang semenitpun. Biasalah anak-anak kalau sakit pasti kolokan minta ampun.

Tadinya aku takut juga ngeliat Ken-ku demam dan sakit kepala sejak hari Minggu pagi. Curiga kena DBD bolak-balik aku bertanya apa keluhannya. Sore hari timbul bentol-bentol merah seperti pulau. Kutinggal sebentar dengan neneknya, aku pergi ke apotik beli obat demam anak-anak (tadinya yang dewasa dengan dosis anak). Eeeehh, iseng digambarinya semua bentol dengan spidol hitam.

Bisa dibayangkan kan, gimana shocknya aku ketika pertama kali ngeliat ‘macan tutul’ gendut berbaring di sofa depan teve?


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

10 Guidelines For Parents Of Kids Playing Video Games

Gaming is a part of modern life. Research shows that children young and old game for between 13 and 30 hours a week. It is near to impossible to keep children away from computer or video gaming.

When you cannot beat the system it is best to join it in a “safe” way. Parents can educate themselves on the varied aspects of video gaming by reading articles and tips on the World Wide Web. They can with knowledge make every effort to ensure that their kids receive a rounded upbringing.

Here are a few guidelines to help:

1. Always befriend your children and know the games they play. Study guidelines given by the Entertainment Software Board and lead the recommendations and appropriate guidelines given on the content label of games.

2. Store in your computer as a favorite and keep abreat of game reviews and ratings.

3. Network with other parents as well as school and Y teachers. Share information and observations on kids and gaming.

4. Have an open relationship with the child or children and promote a friendship and comfort level so that the child shares its experiences and fears.

5. Be an observant parent and note any behavioral changes shown by the child.

6. Be an informed and cautious buyer and question claims made by gaming companies. Feel free to voice your opinion if you feel any game has objectionable content.

7. Give your child a rounded upbringing and introduce many activities you can enjoy together like sports, hikes, sailing and so on. Outdoor activities benefit children and help limit computer time.

8. Ensure that the child grows up to be confident, understanding, curious, and a happy child. Keep a watch for unwarranted secrecy, aggression, or violence.

9. Use gaming to maximize your child’s interest and choose games that need strategies and decisions. Minimize games that are violent and just involve shooting, destruction, and attacks.

10. When you refuse to buy a game, explain to the child why and make them understand why you discourage playing certain games.

Gaming can be beneficial and introduce technology, problem solving, logic and spatial as well as motor skills. Games are known to heal too! Parents need to understand the pros and cons of gaming and allow children to play games that are beneficial.

Be wise and limit time of playing video games. Encourage children to play in groups. Make time to play the games with the children. Understand the games and use the rating system as a guideline when purchasing a video game. Discourage children to borrow games from peers. If they do then encourage them to share with you what they have borrowed. Always make the effort of knowing what the children are playing with.

The gaming industry cares about Genx and so has put into place testing systems and advisory systems to protect children from the detrimental effects of gaming. Use the internet to educate yourself on video and computer gaming and learn how to protect your children.

A Birthday Party: Another Great Excuse For Cornhole

For many people, a birthday is a great time for celebration with family and friends. Individuals who are celebrating a loved one's birthday have surprise parties, take people out to eat, have barbecues, plan games, and do all sorts of enjoyable things. One of the things that many people do, especially in areas of the country where it is deemed more popular, is to play the cornhole game. Not everyone knows it by that name, of course. Some people call it the beanbag toss. There are actually a few variations, but it is essentially the same game. Most people played it in their school physical education class, but a lot of them have not played it since that time. For individuals who still enjoy playing the cornhole game, however, a birthday party can be a great place to play it.

In order to play cornhole at a birthday party, there has to be enough room. The cornhole game itself does not take up that much space. However, room is needed to make sure that the player can stand far enough away from the board to comply with the rules. In addition, nice weather is needed. No one wants to stand outside and play the cornhole game in the rain, or in extremely high or very low temperatures. The game can cease to be fun that way. For people who have large, enclosed porches or homes that are big and open enough, it is possible to play the cornhole game indoors. Of course, the risk of something breaking or getting damaged rises when a person does this, but careful planning can allow for it in many cases. One of the best things about the cornhole game is that anyone of any age can play it.

The rules are not difficult and the game is not physically strenuous. The cornhole bags are lightweight, and they are tossed gently. Everyone from a very young child up through people in their eighties and nineties can enjoy the cornhole game and not worry about being injured or leaving people out. This is one of the reasons that the cornhole game has remained popular for such a long period of time. It is also why support for it as an actual sport is growing, and there are many tournaments that are held each year in various states for those who wish to play the cornhole game competitively. For people who just like to play cornhole at a birthday party or other event, however, there are ways to make it even more fun. People can pair girls against boys, older people against youngsters, or any combination that is agreed upon. In addition, small prizes and treats can be given out to the winner, so that there is some incentive to succeed.

For very young children, though, it may be best to have a prize for everyone who participates, to help build self esteem and confidence. When planning the next birthday party, why not try the cornhole game. Sets can be purchased easily and inexpensively online.